Farnham Rocks

February Fun at The Square



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Join us for FREE family entertainment this February Half Term!

We have lots of fun activities planned to keep the children entertained!

Meet Peppa Pig!
๐Ÿ“† Saturday 15th February โ€“ 10am until 3:30pm
Come and snap a picture with your favourite on screen character!

Prime Acrobatics!
Tuesday 18th February โ€“ 10:30am until 2pm
Gymnastic and aerial hoop fun in Cambridge Square.

Little Bees!
๐Ÿ“† Wednesday 19th February โ€“ 11am until 3pm
Paint an ice skate, snowflake or penguin ceramic magnet

Artful Kids!
๐Ÿ“† Thursday 20th February โ€“ 11am until 3pm
Make a paper plate igloo with an Eskimo

Craft Coop!
๐Ÿ“† Friday 21st February โ€“ 1:30pm until 3pm
Make a wooden snowflake keyring
See you there!

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